The last post mentioned the 10 countries with the biggest quantity of Taptrip users. There are nations from Asia, Africa, Central America and South America. There are many differences among these countries, but the main difference must be the food.
I had meals in four countries up till now: Brazil, Argentina, France and Japan. And the most different meal was the breakfast. So, let's check what people and Taptrip users have for breakfast in the five countries below:
1) INDIA: has a big variety in the whole country, so it's easier to classify as breakfast from the north and from the south of India. In the south, for example, they eat idli, vada and dosa coupled with chutney and sambar.
2) SAUDI ARABIA: mainly consists of bread and dairy products, tea, labneh jam and cream. May have a variety of sweets and savory morsels too.
3) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: has eggs or meat and mashed plantain which is called ''mangu''. May include salami and onions.
4) ALGERIA: has cornflakes, bread, home made biscuits, jam, milk and coffee.
5) BRAZIL: basically has bread, butter, cheese & ham, fruits and may include home made cake, coffee, milk, tea or juice.

What do you have for breakfast in your country? Please, leave a comment here and tell us. If you are a guide in Taptrip, upload pictures of your breakfast and show it to people from the whole world too.

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